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Cultural Awareness - Personal/Professional Development - Spiritual Education


Cultural Diversity the essence of heritage, traditions, languages, and religion that governors they're way of life. One's who share these same ways of life would be a tribe/nation. There are many different tribes/nations so there should be a level of awareness and understanding of each other's ways. This site will give your insight on how to enlighten your thought process, to show a level of understanding when interacting with the various tribes/nation in a positive and enlighten manner.

Definition by color or declaration by color is a tool used to keep us confused. Once we get away from color and get to the origin of people, then we can get to the identity of a people. To truly know your identity is the key to being who you are as a person and then knowing how to proceed and live as a person amongst your family and amongst society. People are not ready to deal with the reality of consciousness. We still are referring to ourselves describing our history describing our history by colors and tone This keeps us in a state of confusion.

Woke is identifying a level of consciousness/awareness of other cultural groups, supposedly. Woke people are not really woken. Illuminati is systematic racism. The woke thoughts won't be able to comprehend this. Caucasians benefit from systematic racism therefore for them to be woke they would have to acknowledge the history of their cultures nationality and that's something they don't want to do. They will tiptoe around the issue certain times of the year or if something happens in society, but overall, there is no connection/reflection of the history of the Caucasian to the way of life of the nowadays Caucasian. They deny and mislabel their nationality to not connect to being that of the Caucasian.

This theory isn't an easy theory to swallow or to rationalize but for the Caucasian to be woke they must adopt their way of thinking, the reality of what the past still has on the present, that is systematic racism that is illuminati. The coding of society is another tool of division.

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